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Pregnancy Joint Pain

Pregnant women may find it hard to move around due to pregnancy joint pain. Joint pain in pregnancy refers to any pain, soreness or stiffness that pregnant women experience in the places where the body bends; this includes hips, knees, fingers, elbows, etc

Causes of Joint Pain in Pregnancy

The weight gained by pregnant women as the pregnancy progresses puts strain on the joints, specifically heels and knees which causes pain; this is very common especially in first time mothers.

Exercising a lot may cause pain in joints as a result of overuse. Pregnant women need to engage in light exercises and get adequate rest afterwards to give the body enough time to get rejuvenated.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is very common during pregnancy; this condition makes pregnant women to gain fluids and weight. This in turn elevates pressure around the wrist which causes pain in the hands and wrist.

How to Manage joint Pain in Pregnancy

It’s very safe for pregnant women to be given chiropractic care. It’s a proven fact that chiropractic treatments helps in promoting a pregnancy that is healthy and free from stress by alleviating muscle aches, nausea and pregnancy joint pain.

Chiropractors are well trained on how to give attention to the various needs of women who are pregnant. Chiropractic treatments have been modified to ensure that no amount of pressure is directed to the abdomen.

Some of the chiropractors get special training to enable them to take care of specific conditions which may arise in the course of the pregnancy. Most of these practitioners have specialized tables that can be adjusted in order to accommodate a pregnant woman inn all pregnancy stages.

Joints that are misaligned are a common occurrence in pregnancy. Weight gain and changes in the normal posture are most of the most common causes of joint pain during pregnancy. Chiropractic treatments are very effective in bringing down the strain and pain in the various joints in the body.


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